Home » Week 1 - Asynchronous Welcome » Module 8: Mid semester recap

Module 8: Mid semester recap

Hi! Are you struggling? I’m struggling! I even wrote this on time and then didn’t get to make a video and then wanted to make a video and then forgot to post it.

I mean of course I hope you’re all doing okay, that goes without saying but it’s rough out here people!

In lieu of a project or more work, I want to do a quick reflection on what we’ve done so far. Hopefully a reflective point will give you an opportunity to take stock in what you’ve learned (or haven’t had a chance to engage with yet).

So please for this week, just write to me in the comments something you can take with you to your broader education, from what we’ve done so far. It could also be “to prioritize myself even when the weight of classes seems like it’s dragging me down”.

Looking forward to hearing from you!!


  1. Something that I can take with me to my broader education, from what we’ve done so far, is the idea that patience is an essential part of our educational trajectory. Throughout these modules, we have all taken the time to analyze, digest, and interpret new ideas regarding science in writing. We have become more effective writers in certain aspects, using practical examples and exercises. We have come across various techniques and types of writing so far, one of them being technical writing, a kind of writing designed to help explain complex, technical, and specialized info to a group of audience who may have or may not have some familiarity with them. Taking our time to answer these modules in a deep manner has allowed, not only me but probably my fellow peers, to invest in our learning by actually learning about the material being presented rather than just doing the work. We are kind of taking our time to build our prior knowledge or knowledge that is not presently there because nothing is learned well unless is connected to something in storage. We should continue to be patient with these modules to produce good and thoughtful responses connecting them to the real world.

  2. Something that I can use for my broader education is being able to understand what I am reading when doing research. Learning about the different steps that people take when writing a research article was extremely helpful and I have been looking for them while reading articles for my other classes. I feel like it made reading through these long articles easier. I have also been using what we learned in Module 5 to make reading through articles easier and less time consuming.

  3. Something that I can take away from this to broader my education is breaking things down into multiple steps to fully understand what it is entailing. Whenever I read a research article, I tend to speed through it multiple times to get some basic understanding of what is being said. But through theses modules, I now know how to break down each subtopic of the paper and annotate it, so that I could read it once and get a fuller understanding of what the authors are trying to get across.

  4. Throughout the semester I learned to write in the sciences, objectives in science, a different form of writing in the sciences and to analyze a research article. I learned that scientific literature can even be in the form of a comic which is different from what I am used to. I learned that science can have biases. I also learned to analyze a research article which will make it easier to do research and compose a lab report for Bio 101.

  5. Something that I can take with me to my broader education, from what we’ve gone over in class so far, is probably that science is not neutral at all. I never really gave it any thought before. Still, when we actually looked over it during the modules in class I started to realize the apparent bias in emotion and opinion in science. Science is not limited to experiments either it can be referred to as science in investigations, science in music, science in STEM, etc. Module 2 really opened my eyes to this and another thing that I also want to mention that I can take with me is how to take an analysis of articles. I’m the type of person to do a brief analysis of everything because of how tedious and time-consuming I thought it would be but the methods we learned in class were really helpful to me.

  6. Something that I can take with me to my broader education, from what we’ve gone over in class so far, is probably that science is not neutral at all. I never really gave it any thought before. Still, when we actually looked over it during the modules in class I started to realize the apparent bias in emotion and opinion in science. Science is not limited to experiments either it can be referred to as science in investigations, science in music, science in STEM, etc. Module 2 really opened my eyes to this and another thing that I also want to mention that I can take with me is how to take an analysis of articles.

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Course Info

Professor: Andréa Stella (she/her)

Email: [email protected]

Zoom: 4208050203
