🧠 Engage with the Module:
- Every week we will start a new module. Each module will focus on one topic (ex: bias in science, accessibility issues in engineering, algorithmic oppression) and one composition/rhetoric theory.
- Each module contains one or two “texts” and a brief video explanation by me. Please read/listen/view everything.
📝 Public Reflection:
- Write a reflection in response to the week’s module in the comment section. Approx 150-200 words (https://wordcounter.net/).
- Your reflection is visible to your classmates and to me, so consider your audience (*rhetoric*)
- The last part of the module will say what to reflect on. There is no need to summarize the contents of the module.
- It’s okay if you don’t understand, disagree with the reading, or need clarifications. If you feel that way, other students probably do as well. Please write this so I can address it with everyone — it’s how we learn.
- Please post your reflection by Monday 11:59pm (there’s no penalty if you don’t/can’t)
🗓 Weekly Curiosity Journal:
- DM me on Slack before the following Tuesday informally responding to the following: any concepts from the module you found interesting, questions you might have, connections you’re seeing with your own research interests, frustrations, confusion, etc. This is a conversation with me, I just want to make sure you’re doing okay.